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Jocelyn Tremblay

Friday, August 5, 2011

Shama and Leela

This is my first official customer, thank you Diana!  While definitely tricky to get four people to look at the camera at the same time, we got some great shots of at least three out of four looking at me.

Tommy, Brian and Matthew

In my backyard I had two sets of twins and two babies, and somehow we all survived and I no know that the scooter is a pretty great distraction and photo prop.  I love the four year old James Dean.

Charlie and Darcey

This was more of a play date for me and the kids, Charlie is Iman and Tayeb's age and Darcey is only a month or two older than Adam.  However, I still managed to snap a few pictures.  I love how Darcey and Adam were fascinated with each other, I don't think Adam knew there were other people his size.


I am trying to move into getting paid for my work, but I love meeting these babies and their mamas.  It's tough not to just keep going.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

New Hampshire vacation

The kids and I headed north with my brother's family to have a cousin filled week for our kids, complete with a visit to Clark's trading post and Storyland.

Larz Anderson Park- 7.16.11

Here's a sampling from my group photo shoot at Larz Anderson Park and one from my backyard.

That was one cute baby filled day, well worth it!